Can Mental Health Apps Actually Help with Anxiety?
The topic of mental health has increased over the years. It's more talked about in society, the workplace, and amongst friends and family.
4 Tips for Staying Calm During Tantrums
Picture it–you’re at a park, in a restaurant, or in a grocery store when your child has a dreaded tantrum. This could be for a number of reasons–they’re hungry, thirsty, “over the experience,” etc. So what do you do?
Communication Tips To Help Improve Your Relationship With A Neurodivergent Child
Communicating with a child or teen who is neurodivergent can feel challenging for many parents. How those with autism, ADHD, or other developmental challenges communicate and see the world is unique.
Parenting Tips For Your Autistic Child
When you have a child who is neurodivergent and on the spectrum, it can feel like you are out in the wilderness with no map or guidelines. You understand how unique and special your child truly is.
Are OCD and Autism Connected?
At first glance, it seems as if OCD and Autism have very little in common. However, recent research suggests that overlaps between the two conditions do exist.
What ERP Is And How It Can Help Someone Who Has OCD
Obsessive-compulsive disorder(OCD) is a condition that causes someone to have obsessive thoughts. These obsessive thoughts can either come in thoughts, images, ideas, or urges that cause them significant distress.
Yes, You Can Get Good Grades and Still Have ADHD–Why ADHD Myths Are Harmful
When people hear ADHD (especially those were around in the 80s and 90s during the Ritalin hubbub), they may immediately think of a few things: being too antsy to sit still, difficulties paying attention, and struggling in school.
4 Ways to Make Studying Easier with ADHD
Living with ADHD can be very daunting in itself. It impacts your ability to focus and maintain attention on a particular task compared to the average person.
How Movement Can Make You Focus Better if You Have ADHD
Symptoms of ADHD vary from person to person, especially the severity of the symptom. Fidgeting, however, is a pretty common symptom for someone with ADHD.
The Relationship Between Movement and Focus in ADHD
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a common mental disorder, and it’s frequently diagnosed during childhood.
How You Can Cope with Anxiety Caused by Political Unrest
Are you feeling stressed about the current political climate? You’re definitely not alone. Many people feel stressed and uneasy, or unsure about what the future holds for them.
Parents, How Can You Support Your Twice-Exceptional Child (Both Gifted and Challenged)?
While there are structures in place in many school systems to assist with this, it isn’t always an easy path to travel down. Being aware of their struggles and providing a good support foundation at home is the best way to set them up for the most success possible.
How Learning To Identify Factual Evidence v. Fear-mongering Can Reduce Anxiety
With so much social media consumption as part of our daily normal life, it can be hard to find the line between what is true, what is real, and what is simply fear-mongering or false information online.
What Are Art-Based Methods of Anxiety Treatment?
When you think of art, the first thing that comes to mind might be museums, paintings, or some line of work pertaining to a professional artist.
5 Tips to Manage Executive Dysfunction with ADHD
Do you have a hard time starting tasks when they’re too boring or too difficult? Maybe you get distracted easily and that prevents you from getting any work done. Or do you find that you have trouble working on projects because you never know how to get them done?
A Guide To Working With An OCD Therapist
OCD can make you wish your brain had an “off” switch. However, it is possible to manage the repetitive thoughts that come along with OCD. Learn more about how working with an OCD therapist can help you manage your symptoms and feel more in control of your brain.
How Can I Help My Child When They Are Anxious About School?
It's hard to imagine that children could feel anxious. One area that can definitely cause anxiety for children is school.
4 Ways To Support Someone Who Has OCD
Knowing someone you care for struggles with their mental health is hard to deal with. You want to help them, but you don't know how. It seems as if no words are appropriate to say to them and nothing you can do would actually help them.
What Is ADHD In Adults?
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder(ADHD) is most commonly associated with children or adolescents. With ADHD, there is a common misconception that once a child grows up, their symptoms will just automatically go away.
The Pandemic And It's Impact On Teen Mental Health
Those who are in their teenage years now, however, have had to deal with something entirely new that no previous generation has - a worldwide pandemic.