Therapy for Young Adults

Are You A Young Adult Struggling To Find Your Way In The World?

As you transition into adulthood, has it been difficult for you to navigate your education, career, relationships, and everyday life?

Yet, are you tired of relying on your parents for guidance?

Could you benefit from the objective, nonjudgmental support of a therapist who specializes in issues impacting young adults?

photo of a young adult women sitting on the floor workin on her laptop

Adolescence and young adulthood are meaningful times to establish your life path. Whether you are figuring out which goals to pursue or how to tap into your most authentic identity, you are likely struggling to balance the expectations of your family and society at large with what you want for yourself. 

In the process of individuating from your parents, you may experience heightened conflict or confusion. Perhaps they have different ideas of which life path you should take or what kind of values you should be abiding by. If this is the case, you may have encountered increased tension at home or worry about letting them down. 

Fortunately, therapy can be a meaningful way to receive support as you learn what it takes to live as authentically—and joyfully—as possible. Counseling through Broward Therapy Group can help you figure out how you want your life to look like as a young adult.

Neurodivergent Young Adults Face Additional Barriers In Transitioning Out Of Adolescence

If you are a neurodivergent young adult or the parent of one, it’s possible you have been feeling increasingly anxious and fearful about what the future holds. Maybe it’s time for you to finish your education, get a job, and establish a purpose for your life. Or perhaps you are ready to get into a relationship but have little experience dating. You may be feeling intimidated about meeting new people, whether you are putting yourself out there romantically, trying to make new friends, or interviewing for an exciting job prospect. 

Our practice specializes in working with neurodivergent clients. Therapy for young adults is individualized to each person’s needs and can help you or your child build new relationships, repair old ones, solidify your purpose, and develop skills for handling life’s challenges. 


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Young Adulthood Is A Challenging Time For Most

Though we are technically adults in our late teens and twenties, many of us lack the skills and development to make healthy, sustainable decisions during young adulthood. Beginning with the decision of what we will study and pursue as a career, there is a lot of pressure put on us to succeed. From there, the expectations surrounding dating, finances, and meeting our family’s standards can add to an already growing list of demands. 

Furthermore, the lives of young adults look much different than they did even a generation ago. Many young people live with their parents in their twenties, taking time to save money, explore their identity, and develop new hobbies and relationships. This can add to increased conflict at home as parents maintain expectations that differ from those of their children. 

When it comes to neurodivergent young adults, in particular, there can be additional challenges in establishing a sense of independence. Once a traditional educational route has run its course, it’s often difficult to determine the next steps—especially as they pertain to parental involvement. Parents of neurodivergent adults might have a hard time remaining neutral and objective in the process of dating, looking for a job, or determining an appropriate living situation. This is stressful for both the young adult and their parent(s).

A therapist can be a neutral, nonjudgmental support system on the journey toward a healthy, fulfilling young adulthood. Working together in the safe space of counseling, we can help you or your young adult child reach the next stage of development with clarity and confidence.

Broward Therapy Group Specializes In Counseling For Young Adults From All Backgrounds

Our therapists are trained to identify growth barriers and skills that may be lagging so that you can have what you need to flourish. From a relatable, empathetic perspective, we will help you navigate your presenting concerns as you figure out how to live according to your goals and values. 

We welcome young adults of all backgrounds to therapy. And given that we specialize in counseling for neurodivergent clients, we are particularly well suited to work with young adults who have ADHD, other learning differences, or are on the autism spectrum. 

Our Approach

Using a variety of tools—including art, music, and technology—to help our clients explore their emotions and experiences, we create an actionable plan to help reinforce meaningful skills. As you feel supported, validated, and reassured through the therapeutic process, you will be able to apply what you learn outside the therapy space. Over time, you are likely to not only find success in meeting your goals but also lifelong skills for communicating, adapting to new experiences, and managing healthy relationships.

If you are a young adult or the parent of a young adult who is struggling, we understand that this is a difficult time. However, these challenges are normal—and even healthy—on the path to independence. We are here to help you through this time so that you can feel more confident, competent, and supported on your journey. 

Still Unsure If Therapy For Young Adults Is Right For You?

Why is therapy important for young adults?

Both neurotypical and neurodivergent young adults deal with so many struggles, transitions, and expectations. Even if a diagnosis isn’t present, young adults have to manage a lot. It’s essential for people in their late teens and twenties to cultivate the necessary skills for communication, emotional regulation, and establishing their identity according to their authentic desires and values. 

Our therapists are invested in helping you to create a life that aligns with the person you want to be.

Is counseling or coaching better for young adults?

Our therapists have a lot of experience in the areas of coaching and counseling, and we are invested in getting to know your unique goals so that we can collaborate on a plan that works for you. At the end of the day, the most important factor for determining therapeutic outcomes is not if you or your young adult child is enrolled in counseling, therapy, or coaching, but rather the relationship between the client and clinician itself. 

What if my young adult child won’t agree to therapy?

Whether or not your young adult child is neurodivergent, there can be a lot of pushback between parents and their children at this age. It might help to assure your child that therapy is confidential and individualized to their needs. Though we take parents’ concerns and goals into consideration, we place our clients in the driver’s seat of this process. 

We are confident that if you can get your child to agree to at least a few sessions of counseling for young adults, they will want to continue upon seeing how impactful new skills, perspectives, and relationships can be in paving the path toward their future. 

Face Your Future With Hope And Self-Assurance

Young adults have a lot of obstacles and decisions to juggle, but therapy is an opportunity to gain the clarity and skills needed to grow with confidence. For more information about how we can help, contact us.