How to help a child with anxiety
When a child is struggling with anxiety, it can be difficult for parents, caregivers, and teachers to know how to help. Often, anxiety presents in ways that are hard to understand, making it tough to offer the right support.
Anxiety Symptoms in Children
Anxiety in children can show up in unexpected ways. It can be hard to spot, especially since kids might not always express their feelings directly.
How to Help Children and Teens Cope with Loss and Grief
Grief is hard for everyone, but it can be especially tough for children and teens. They may not fully understand their feelings, and the adults around them might not know how to help.
Unplugged: Understanding and Overcoming Digital Addiction
Digital devices and the internet are a huge part of our day. For some people, they represent their entire livelihood. We use them for work, school, and fun.
How to Handle Different Parenting Styles During Conflict
Parenting is a journey filled with joy, love, and, yes, occasional conflict. It’s natural for parents to have different styles, perspectives, and approaches when it comes to raising children.
What Are the Benefits of Co-parenting Counseling?
Co-parenting certainly comes with many challenges. Initially, it can feel like an uphill battle as you try to raise children together while living separately.
4 Tips for Staying Calm During Tantrums
Picture it–you’re at a park, in a restaurant, or in a grocery store when your child has a dreaded tantrum. This could be for a number of reasons–they’re hungry, thirsty, “over the experience,” etc. So what do you do?
Parents, How Can You Support Your Twice-Exceptional Child (Both Gifted and Challenged)?
While there are structures in place in many school systems to assist with this, it isn’t always an easy path to travel down. Being aware of their struggles and providing a good support foundation at home is the best way to set them up for the most success possible.
How Can I Help My Child When They Are Anxious About School?
It's hard to imagine that children could feel anxious. One area that can definitely cause anxiety for children is school.