The Pandemic And It's Impact On Teen Mental Health

The teen years are difficult, make no mistake about it. They aren't really a child anymore but they are definitely not an adult, either. It's like being stuck in a transition phase or in limbo for years. 

There are hormones that cause them to act sweet one day and lash out in anger the next. Their social circles are shifting as friends grow apart and new ones come in. Prepping for college if they intend to go. Competing in sports or going to extracurricular activities. The basic growing pains of life that we all have gone through.

Those who are in their teenage years now, however, have had to deal with something entirely new that no previous generation has - a worldwide pandemic.

The pandemic shifted everything for everyone across the world and the United States. Teenagers included. Let's spend some time talking about how the pandemic has impacted teens' mental health.

The Impact Of The Pandemic On Teen Mental Health

Health Anxiety

One thing the pandemic introduced for everyone is the concept of health anxiety. It seems as if anytime we sneeze or cough we are crippled with the thought of catching the virus. 

For teens, this can especially be anxiety-inducing. Previously, worrying about their health didn't extend much beyond worrying about a cold before a big event they were to attend. Now, there is a very real (albeit decreased now) chance of catching something serious.


While teenagers can be anti-social, in general, they do like socializing. When the pandemic happened, we were all quarantined away from one another. Teens no longer got to see their friends every day at school or on the weekends to hang out. It was figuratively and literally an isolating experience. Because of the pandemic, teens are commonly feeling lonelier than they ever were before.

Security In The Future Feels Shaky

As adults, we know that there are no guarantees in life. It's something that many of us wish our children and teens did not have to find out so soon.

There's a certain sense of security that comes with being a teenager. While you find out later that security isn't guaranteed, in a teenager's life, it usually is. Or, at least it was.

Now, teenagers are realizing the harsh realities of the world because of the pandemic. They have now truly realized how sick people can become and the consequences of a deadly virus. They saw their parents get laid off, lose their jobs in some cases, and stress over how to provide for their families. 

Anxiety And Depression Levels Are On The Rise

The aftermath of the pandemic has shown in studies that teenagers dealing with anxiety and depression are on the rise. One study reported that 4 out of 10 high school students experienced sadness or hopelessness in 2021.

How To Help Your Teen In The Aftermath Of The Pandemic

We will all be feeling the effects of the pandemic for years to come. In all areas of our life and the world around us. As a parent, we know that our teens already struggle as it is. Seeing them struggle with something that was completely out of their control is heartbreaking.

Check in with your teen. Become an active listener (without immediately giving advice) when they open up to you about something they are struggling with. And, be honest with them about your own struggles with the impact the pandemic had on your mental health. It can help them to know that they aren't alone in their struggles.

Knowing the signs and symptoms of anxiety and depression in teenagers is definitely going to help you pinpoint what may be going on with them.

Don't be afraid to reach out to us for teen therapy. Our sessions are confidential and will give them an outlet to freely express to someone else what they are feeling. 


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