How You Can Cope with Anxiety Caused by Political Unrest

Are you feeling stressed about the current political climate? You’re definitely not alone. Many people feel stressed and uneasy, or unsure about what the future holds for them. 

According to a recent study by the American Psychological Association, over 57% of Americans feel some sort of stress due to the political climate. This stress can lead to irritability, anxiety, anger, and even depression. 

Your future may feel uncertain, but there are things that you can do to limit stress and anxiety caused by political unrest. 

Anxiety and Political Unrest

There is a lot going on in the world right now. Whether you are concerned about conflicts across seas, and how America will be impacted, rising costs, financial security, voting ballots, or political unrest across the country, it can make you feel uncomfortable, disheartened, anxious, or stressed.

Anxiety and political unrest go hand in hand, as we are internally affected by what is happening around us externally. You may experience various symptoms of anxiety because of the political state of the country. These could be:

  • Worrying, nervousness, anxiousness

  • Difficulty sleeping or oversleeping

  • Overthinking

  • Negative thoughts and emotions

  • Lowness

  • Panic attacks

  • Weight gain or loss

  • Mood changes

  • Higher blood pressure than usual

  • Overuse of political outlets such as news, articles, videos etc.

How to Cope with Anxiety Caused by Political Unrest

To help alleviate symptoms of anxiety caused by political unrest, there are a few coping mechanisms you can implement. 

Unplug from the Media

For instance, we recommend limiting your time spent listening to radio updates, watching the news, or reading through information online. As they say, ignorance is bliss. This doesn’t mean you’re ignoring the issues at hand, but constantly exposing yourself to news can make you feel more stressed and can raise your blood pressure. 

With social media and news platforms constantly bombarding you with information, you can quickly become overwhelmed by what is happening and feel helpless about it. Try taking a digital detox to minimize stress levels and know your limits by setting healthy boundaries between yourself and the media you consume. 

Participate in Activism

Another step you can take to alleviate stress and boost your mood is to get involved with what is going on around you. You can take action by volunteering, forming a community group, or participating in activism to make a difference, and give yourself some purpose. 

You will find like-minded people who are feeling the same as you, and you can support a cause that is close to your heart.

Establish a Routine

If you are feeling anxious and stressed, then you should also try to maintain a sense of routine which can prevent you from feeling lost or helpless. Ensure you see friends and family, and plan some nice activities that you enjoy to take your mind off things and enjoy the little things in life. 

Take a Break

Make sure you take a break from stressors such as work or studies, and practice mindfulness, and self care to keep your stress levels at a minimum. Take part in activities that nurture your mind and body, or implement soothing strategies to manage stress, such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, or a long walk. 

Talk to Someone

Finally, it is important to acknowledge your feelings and worries. It is best to speak to someone you trust, such as a friend or family member, about what’s on your mind, but you should also consider confiding in a counselor or therapist. We can help you ease feelings of anxiety and find healthy coping mechanisms, while giving you the support and care you need to move forward. Reach out when you are ready to learn more about anxiety treatment and how it can benefit you.


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