How Loss Alters Our Sense of Self

Loss is a powerful experience that can change how we see ourselves. Whether it's the death of a loved one, the end of a relationship, or the loss of a job, these events can make us feel like we’ve lost a part of who we are. This article explores how loss affects our daily lives and offers suggestions for coping with these changes.

Understanding the Impact of Loss

Loss often feels like more than just the absence of something or someone. It can shake our core, challenging the way we view ourselves and our place in the world. For many, this is not just a temporary feeling but a lasting change in how they view themselves. Our sense of self is built on our relationships, roles, and routines. When these are disrupted by loss, we may struggle with confusion, sadness, and anger.

Daily Struggles After a Loss

crying woman

Loss affects us emotionally and impacts our daily lives. For instance, someone who loses a spouse might suddenly need to manage tasks they never did before, like paying bills or cooking meals. This can feel overwhelming and add to the sense of losing control.

People who have experienced loss may also find that their usual routines no longer make sense. Activities that once brought joy might now feel empty or meaningless, leading to withdrawal and isolation.

Sleep and appetite can also be affected. Insomnia, oversleeping, and changes in eating habits are common. These physical symptoms are tied to the emotional weight of the loss and can make it harder to move forward.

Coping with Changes in Identity

Understanding that loss can change our sense of self is the first step in coping with these changes. Focusing on what remains constant in your life can be helpful. While loss can take away important parts of our identity, other aspects often remain, like personal values, beliefs, or long-standing relationships. Reconnecting with these stable elements can help anchor you in a new sense of identity.

Building New Routines

Creating new routines can be a powerful way to regain a sense of control. Start small by establishing simple daily habits, like taking a walk each morning or set aside time in the evening for a favorite activity like doing puzzles. These routines can provide structure and help you feel more grounded.

It’s also beneficial to seek out new experiences that help you grow and adapt to your new reality. This might involve trying new hobbies with a friend, volunteering, or even exploring a different career path. These activities can help you discover new aspects of yourself and rebuild your identity.

Get Support

Loss can feel isolating, but let this article serve as a reminder that all people struggle with a loss at some point. Reaching out to friends, family, or a therapist can provide the support and perspective you need to navigate these changes.

Talking about your feelings with others who have experienced similar losses can be especially helpful. Reddit and Instagram both offer spaces where people connect through their losses. This sense of community can be comforting and remind you that you’re not alone.

Moving Forward

While loss can permanently alter our sense of self, it doesn’t have to define us entirely. With the right support and strategies, it’s possible to integrate the loss into your life and move forward. Healing is not about returning to who you were before the loss, but about becoming who you are now, with all the wisdom and resilience that comes from facing difficult experiences.


Loss can change our identity and how we see the world. By understanding how loss affects our daily lives and taking steps to cope, we can get through those difficult periods. Help is available and there is a bright future on the other side.

If you are battling the feelings associated with a loss, reach out to my office to learn more about anxiety counseling!


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