Maximize Your Mind 

 Our Maximize Your Mind™ Program is a hybrid groups program focusing both on social skills/social understanding/social cognitions and Executive Functioning Skills. It was developed out of assessing the root deficits in those who have ADHD, autism spectrum disorders, or other social learning challenges. Maximize Your Mind uses activities such as science experiments, everyday board games and some made-up games targeting specific skills to be practiced and spotlighted. For example, a simple old-school board game like Sorry may be played to teach participants how to win/lose, take turns, decide who is what color game piece and more.

Many kids are not offered the opportunity to play ‘regular’ board games because they are so often on technology in recent years. Board games and similar activities and games teach valuable skills. We aim to help our group members practice these skills and have a lot of fun along the way.

People who work closely with children have always known that children learn primarily through play, rather than instruction or disciplined study. Research shows that people learn best from experiences that are joyful, that meaningfully connect the play to their lives, are actively engaging, allow testing things iteratively and are socially engaging.