College Coaching (Virtual)

This support program is designed for neurodivergent (AS, ADHD, OCD, anxiety, mild learning differences) college students. Many students find the transition to a college or university overwhelming and for those who have Executive Functioning skills weaknesses due to being autistic, having ADHD, OCD, this change can lead to increased risk for anxiety, depression or an eventual withdrawal from college due to not having the necessary skills to navigate this life transition. It is extremely difficult for parents to continue to provide the daily structure, support and guidance ND students require. Evolve’s Counseling and Coaching created a program to meet this need aiming to keep college students attending college, learning and practicing valuable life skills and increasing accountability, reducing incidents of depression, isolation and helping students reach their goals. 

The program incorporates 3 tiers of support. The first tier is a weekly coaching group with a masters level mental health counselor to educate students about neurodiversity, define all of the Executive Functioning skills and provide tools for coping, self-advocacy, self-care, practicing EF skills in their daily life and choices that empower them to succeed. Topics include but are not limited to the following: College Life, Resources, EF Skills, Schedules and Routines, Internships/Jobs, Communication, Handling Distractions, Stress and Self-Care, Perspective Taking, Studying/Test taking.

The second level of support is weekly individual sessions with an assigned coach to discuss individual struggles, explore resistance, and other skills to be developed. Each participant will be matched with a masters level intern therapist/counselor/coach to help with issues not appropriate for the group or reviewing concepts and ideas from the group, helping to develop a growth mindset, increase resilience and perseverance and accountability. The intern will place a strong focus on developing a positive relationship with the student to create a good working coaching relationship. 

The third level of support is daily/weekly texts for gentle reminders and accountability. We know our students struggle with distractions, frustration, perseverance procrastination. Their assigned coach will provide gentle reminders, growth mindset, motivational and inspiring quotes on a regular and consistent basis depending on the needs and wants of the student.