Neurodiversity in Children

Have you heard the terms neurodiversity and neurodivergent recently but are not entirely clear on what they mean? Let us help you figure out why these terms can be so important in helping children succeed in school and beyond.  Neurodiversity can be easily understood if we break the word down. Neuro- this prefix tells us this word is related to the brain (as in words like neurosurgeon, neuroscience). Diversity means difference so neurodiversity is a word that seeks to reframe how we look at people’s brains and ways of thinking.  

Neurodiversity In Children

Neurodiversity allows us to talk about the differences in our brains, perceptions, and ways of interacting with the world without judging these differences. Neurodiversity destigmatizes these differences and instead allows us to be more inclusive. It is a recognition that brain-based differences do not mean someone is disabled, simply that they are ‘wired differently, with different abilities, needs, and skills.   

Neurodivergent or neurodiverse is often used to describe children with ADHD or Autism. The concept of neurodiversity seeks to eliminate the judgment and stigma of these (and other) conditions, but it is important to note this does not mean neurodiversity ignores or erases the fact that children with these diagnoses struggle or need accommodations. Neurodiversity does not disregard that there are indeed challenges that affect children’s cognitive functioning, academic performance, or interpersonal relationships. It instead reminds us all that these differences are natural and can be accepted and accommodated. If you suspect your child is neurodivergent, a thorough, professional evaluation can be an invaluable tool for identifying diagnoses so that you can choose the most appropriate approaches and interventions. 

How To Help Your Neurodivergent Child

Once you understand that neurodiversity means accepting and acknowledging differences so that we can respond to them with knowledge and compassion, you realize that means taking action. Educate yourself on neurodiversity by reading from trusted sources, and listening to the lived experiences of neurodiverse children and adults. Seek out strategies for making your home, your family life, and their education more neurodivergent friendly.  

As a parent, you want your neurodiverse child to receive an education that suits them and caters to their needs. Typical settings may limit their ability to be happy and successful, as they are often designed with only neurotypical children in mind. Whether they struggle with their attention and organization, their social interactions, or a combination of these factors, your child deserves a school that accepts them and embraces the concept of neurodiversity in children. You as a parent want to know that the school where your child spends so many hours of their life is tailored to their needs, and we are happy to let you know that yes such school programs do exist.  

Why We Created Evolve Learning

We created Evolve because we believe schools that put neurodiversity at the center of all that they do can change students’ lives. We believe neurodivergent children will thrive if they receive instruction that is flexible enough to cater to their needs and support that extends beyond academics to help them understand how their neurodiversity impacts their relationships. Here your child will be taught by knowledgeable adults and surrounded by peers that relate to them rather than judge them.  

At Evolve Learning Community, we accept, embrace and yes even celebrate neurodiversity. We love having the opportunity to offer education in an inclusive way that doesn’t exclude neurodiverse students from experiencing success and acceptance. If you are wondering if our coaching, classes, or full-time options can help, reach out to us today.  


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